Flat Colored Galvanizing Steel Price in Tokyo

Colored galvanizing flat steel market price is flat at 225,000 yen per tonne for smaller coil with 35 millimeters thick and 914 mm width and at 204,000 yen for larger coil around Tokyo. The price is likely to keep the level with supply side price hike pressure and slower demand. The distributors reported the buyers’ purchase attitude doesn’t change even after makers’ hike in mid-September. The dealers’ shipment is estimated to be 20-40% less than same period of 2006. The dealers try to keep the price level though they couldn’t pass the higher cost price on the reselling price immediately. Some dealers try to reject the makers’ hike under slow demand. Thinner colored galvanizing steel demand is slow when housing start is delayed due to transitional phase of new building standard law. The dealers expect the demand could recover sooner or later after the transitional phase. The makers try to fix the higher price to secure the materials coil.