Japan Major 5 Steels’ Raw Steel Output to Reach 88.5 million tonnes

Japanese major 5 steel makers’ raw steel output in April-September was in line with the original plan. The raw steel output increases by 2.6 million tonnes to 88.5 million tonnes for the parent companies in fiscal 2007 ending March 2008 from previous year. Nippon Steel’s raw steel output was apparently around 16.2 million tonnes in the first half year as planned. The firm increases the output in second half year after expansion of no.1 blast furnace at Nagoya works. The firm also finishes building new converter at Nagoya in October. The output reaches 33 million tonnes for the year. JFE Steel apparently cleared the targeted 15 million tonnes of raw steel output in the first half. The firm plans to increase the output to 30 million tonnes for the year, which is 1 million tonnes higher than previous year. Sumitomo Metal Industries is expected to clear the 6.6 million tonnes of raw steel output in the first half. The output will increases in second half after commissioning of no.3 blast furnace. The firm plans 13.4 million tonnes of output in the year. Kobe Steel apparently cleared the 4.1 million tonnes of planned raw steel output in the first half. The firm switched the operation from old no.1 blast furnace to new and larger no.2 blast furnace at Kakogawa and plans expansion of no.3 blast furnace at Kobe works. The output will reach 8 million tonnes for the year. Nisshin Steel is still in line with the planned 4.1 million tonnes of annual output for the year after the 2.03 million tonnes of planned output in the first half.