Steel Industry to Launch Global Platform for REACH

World steel industry is preparing to launch international consortium to meet new European regulation, Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries (EUROFER) proposes international platform for REACH and Japanese steel industry will join the move through Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF). EUROFER presented the plan for consortium to steel industry at meeting of Committee on Environmental Affairs (ENCO) of International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI). EUROFER’s plan is to launch platform to collect data on substances in steel industry to comply REACH regulation. JISF launched taskforce in March to join the platform process by EUROFER and keeps discussing with EUROFER on the matter. Japanese steel industry tries to join the platform as JISF instead of individual companies. Steel makers out of Europe are required to meet the regulation depending on the operations. Makers with direct export to Europe might have to register substances included in steel products. Makers providing materials to products exporters to Europe should report required information to exporters including automakers and appliances makers.