Strong Plate Price in Tokyo

Plate steel market price is strong at around 82,000 yen per tonne for standard sized product with 19 millimeters thick, 5 feet width and 10 feet length and 98,000 yen for cutting plate around Tokyo. Shifting of the price hike by makers is an important agenda for dealers. Each dealer is increasing the selling price into this month. Their selling price is rising by degrees. Dealers’ shipment maintains slow due to the delay of small and middle building construction by the revision of Japanese building standard law. Searing processor source said the processor can’t the selling price for cutting plate. The rebound in demand is expected to be backward in the ended of this year or the beginning of next year though the rebound was prospected to be in this autumn. The orders for building construction seem increasing. However, local small and middle shearing processors are receiving fewer orders. The supply is expected to become even tighter in the second half of fiscal 2007 started October compared with the first half year. Steel plate demand keeps strong for large contracts such for shipbuilding or construction machine. The supply and demand is becoming tighter. The date of delivery is controlled by makers to dealers. The market inventory keeps flat. Plate procurement would become harder for the dealers if the demand recovers. The market price is expected to keep flat with strong tone.