Strong Steel Plate Market Price around Tokyo

Steel plate market price is strong at 82,000 yen per tonne for standard sized product with 19 millimeters thick, 5 feet width and 10 feet length and 98,000 yen for cutting sheet around Tokyo. Dealers’ shipment is slow when the demand for building construction isn’t clear due to the delay of the order from general contractor by new Japanese building standard law while the demand for construction industrial machinery is good. Many dealers expect the demand for building construction would recover in the beginning of next year. But some dealers anticipate a building project would be decreasing.Searing processor source said the supply from makers is getting delayed for 10-14 days. Standards products’ inventory is decreasing with size. Each dealer is passing makers’ price hike to the selling price. Dealer source said cheap product is difficult to detect in the market. Dealer is raising the selling price for cutting plate.