Strong Plate Price in Tokyo

Plate steel market price increased to 85,000 yen per tonne for base size with 19 millimeters thick, 5 feet width and 10 feet length around Tokyo, which is likely to more rise. Dealers’ shipment keeps slow in the first half of January following last month. The sales volume of plate decreased to 39,526 tonnes by 7.2% in December from November, according to dealers’ association in Tokyo. Shearing processor source said the sales keeps low level from the ended of last year while the sales is likely to move in the last half of this month due to increased order from users. Japanese integrated steel makers didn’t change the selling price of plate for dealers in January-March. However, dealers forecast makers’ selling price would keep higher level. Tokyo Steel Manufacturing increased the selling price of plate by 7,000 yen per tonne for dealers.The market price is 101,000-103,000 yen per tonne for cut plate. Shearing processor source said the processor want to raise the selling price to 105,000 yen per tonne.