Plate Steel Price Rises by 3,000 yen/t in Tokyo

Plate steel market price increased by around 3,000 yen to 105,000 yen per tonne for cut processed materials around Tokyo in the month. The price increased by total 8,000 yen in 2 months with pressure by supply side. The price is expected to reach 110,000 yen level in the month. Japanese plate makers plan to increase the selling price by 15,000-20,000 yen per tonne for April when they could be suffered from wide jump of the cost for iron ore and coking coal in fiscal 2008 starting April. The plate processors try to secure the necessary margin by improving the reselling price. Plate processors’ cutting volume was 644,689 tonnes in October-December, which was 5% lower than same period of 2006, according to industry association. The industry sources indicate the demand is better in January and February than before but the demand level is still lower than normal.