Wakoh Metal Opens New Scrap Yards in Osaka and Miyagi

Yokohama based scrap dealer, Wakoh Metal opened new shipping yards in Osaka and Miyagi, Japan. The firm aims to ship total 3,000 tonnes of scrap per month at these 2 new yards.A new yard in Izumiotsu City, Osaka is 2,400 square meters. Wakoh Metal is collecting nonferrous metal and other scrap at around 1,000 tonnes per month there and already started shipment for overseas markets. The firm aims to increase scrap shipment volume to 2,000 tonnes per month within 2008.In Miyagi, the firm started co-operation of a new yard in Shiogama City with 2 other scrap dealers in March 2008. The yard is 2,400 square meters. The shipment will start in May or June at about 1,000 tonnes per month.