Firm H-Beam Price in Tokyo

H-beam market price is firm at around 118,000 yen per tonne for 200 by 100 millimeters width without freight at dealers’ site around Tokyo. The dealers offer 120,000 yen to pass higher cost price. The price could increase under tight supply. The dealers’ stock is still low level when the makers reduce the supply for distributors. The stock is less than one month for the shipment for some sizes. Some dealers try to keep the stock level for stable supply for best customers while they reject some order at spot basis. The stock level is expected to increase by 2-3% from previous month when the makers’ supply increases recently and the demand gets slower. Some building plans are postponed due to surging steel market price. The dealers try to realize 120,000 yen per tonne level of reselling price when the inventory value increases gradually and the makers could increase the selling price more. However, the increase pace is expected to slower than before when the buyers are suffered from surging steel price.