Firm Sheet Steel Price in Tokyo

Sheet steel market price is firm with strong tone at around 100,000-103,000 yen per tonne for hot rolled flat steel, at 104,000-107,000 for pickling steel and at 109,000-112,000 yen for cold rolled flat steel at dealers’ site around Tokyo. The price is likely to keeps firm under tight supply and higher international price.Dealers’ shipment keeps slow. But inventory price is expected to rise for dealers and coil centers when makers’ higher products are arrived to them when makers raised selling price in April and July. They are avoiding cheaper sales.Import steel sheet price is higher than domestic sheet price. Dealer source said it is hard to purchase steel products except to expletive purchase. Domestic supply and demand keeps tight.The supply is expected to be even tighter when the demand from automobiles is especially upward. Japanese sheet makers are reducing acceptance order from dealers. Some size products inventory is short.