Firm Rebar Price in Tokyo

Concrete reinforcing steel bar market price is firm at around 110,000 yen per tonne for base size for direct shipment from makers to users and at around 112,000 yen for inventory sales by the dealers around Tokyo. The price increase mood recovers since last week after temporally peaking mood earlier. The price could increase more in short term. The dealers regained the strong market expectation when rebar makers insist 110,000 yen per tonne of selling price under increasing ferrous scrap market. The dealers again offer higher reselling price. However, the buyers of general contractors reduce the order and the order is estimated to decrease by 30-40% from normal level. A dealer source expects the order activity could keep low level through September and the demand is uncertain after October. The makers try to pass higher cost price on the market to regain profitability despite of slower demand. The dealers are forced to increase the reselling price and offer 115,000 yen per tonne for July transactions. The market price could increase with the pressure by supply side.