Strong Sheet Steel Price in Tokyo

Sheet steel market price is strong at around 94,000-95,000 yen per tonne for hot rolled flat steel, at 98,000-102,000 yen for pickling steel and at 101,000-105,000 yen for cold rolled flat steel around Tokyo. The price is continuing rising. Dealer source said the market price increased with makers’ price hike in April shipment. Moreover, dealers anticipate rising market price when Tokyo Steel Manufacturing, Japanese biggest electric furnace maker, raised the selling price by 15,000 yen per tonne for hot-rolled steel sheet, by 17,000 yen for pickling steel and cold rolled flat steel. Japanese integrated steel makers are likely to additionally raise the selling price when the price negotiation for coal remains to be worked out. The speculative demand for dealers shakes down, but for manufacturing industry keeps good situation. The supply and demand keeps tight.