Flat Galvanized Steel Wire Price in Tokyo

Galvanized steel wire market price is flat at around 190,000 yen per tonne for products with 4 millimeters diameter and at around 210,000 yen for products with 2 mm diameter around Tokyo. The dealers couldn’t pass higher cost price even after some makers increased the selling price for October. The price is likely to keep the level despite of the low level inventory at the makers.

The dealers try to find the timing to pass the higher cost price under the slower demand. The makers also are willing to increase the selling price to pass higher cost after rod makers’ price hike. The higher rod cost suffers the processors’ profitability along with higher freight cost.

The galvanized wire makers expect the shipment is lower than previous year when the building demand is still slow in second half of the year. The users of constructors resist the higher materials cost after the wire price increased in April and July.