Strong Plate Price in Tokyo

Plate steel market price is strong at around 120,000 yen per tonne for product with 19 millimeters thick, 5 feet width and 10 feet length and at 148,000-150,000 yen for cut processed materials at dealers’sites around Tokyo.

The supply and demand keeps tight when the demand from shipbuilding is strong. Nippon Steel raised the selling price by 10,000 yen per tonne for August orders and JFE Steel raised the selling price by 10,000 yen for September orders. Newly priced products are starting to be delivered to dealers.

Dealers’ shipment is continuing slower situation. Small-middle size building construction is flagging. Shearing processors are seemed to suffer getting work. A shearing processor source said the firm aims to raise the selling price to the middle of 150,000 yen per tonne or over 160,000 yen.