Flat Plate Price in Tokyo

Plate steel market price is flat at around 128,000-129,000 yen per tonne for product with 19 millimeters thick, 5 feet width and 10 feet length and at 148,000-150,000 yen for cut processed materials at dealers’ sites around Tokyo. The dealers maintain the selling price due to rising purchase price despite of slow demand.

The domestic demand is weak for mainly building construction. Small-middle size building constructions such as condominium building are decreasing. The dealer source said dealers’ shipping keep stagnancy.

Japanese plate makers such as Nippon Steel and JFE Steel raised the selling price by 10,000 yen per tonne for the contract in August or September. The dealer source said the dealers should pass rising purchase price on the selling price at some level when higher price products are being delivered to dealers.

Tokyo Steel Manufacturing, Japanese plate maker reduced the selling price by 35,000 yen to 91,000 yen per tonne in November order due to decreased ferrous scrap price. The dealer source prospects the market price doesn’t decrease yet when Japanese integrated steel makers keep higher price. The price gap between Tokyo Steel and integrated steels makers increased to near 30,000 yen. The dealers wait the next move by other electric furnace steel makers to find the next trend.