JPN Government to Send Advisors for Peru Mine Pollution Control

Japan Oil, Gas & Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), an incorporated administrative agency to assist upstream activities for mineral resources and energies, announced on 15 December that the agency concluded a letter of agreement with Peru’s Ministry of Energy & Mines to send Japanese advisors for mine pollution control measures during the period from April 2009 to March 2011. JOGMEC also signed a memorandum of understanding with Corporacion Minera de Bolivia and Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Tecnico de Minas for cooperative exploration.

Japanese advisors for Peru will help streamlining legal and governmental systems, growing human resources, and serving advises on total strategic plans and mine closing schedules for mine pollution control. Regular conferences will be also held between the countries.

As to MOU with Bolivia, JOGMEC and Bolivian governmental agencies will co-explore Mendoza area near Salar de Uyuni. They will select several promising areas based on data from satellite images and implement actual studies and evaluations.