Japan Carbon Steel Export Drops by 17.1% in November

Japanese carbon steel export decreased by 17.1% to 2.405 million tonnes in November from a year earlier when the export, mainly for Asia, decreased significantly, announced by Japan Iron & Steel Federation on Friday. The amount of the export value increased by 3.7% to 329.221 billion yen.

Japanese carbon steel import decreased by 6.6% to 607,907 tonnes in November from a year earlier while the amount of the import value increased by 20.2% to 94.218 billion yen. The import volume decreased mainly from Asia and Europe.

The steel export volume increased by 1.1% to USA, by 30.6% to EU and by 2.5 times to Russia in November from a year earlier while decreased by 22.2% to Asia. The export to China decreased by 9.4%. The amount of the export increased by 20.5% to USA and by 21% to EU in November from a year earlier while decreased by 4.1% to Asia. The export to China decreased by 1.1%.

The import increased by 28.5% from USA while decreased by 11.7% from EU, by 7.1% from Asia. The import from China increased by 10.4% and from ASEAN increased by over double. The amount of the import value decreased by 7.4% from USA, by 13.9% from EU while the import increased by 18.9% from Asia. The import from China increased by 31.9% and from Russia increased by 29.6%.