Japan Electric Wire Shipment Drops by 16% in November

Japanese electric wire makers’ domestic shipment decreased by 16% to 63,900 tonnes in copper weight in November from a year earlier, according to report for around 130 members of Japanese Electric Wire & Cable Makers’ Association announced on Wednesday. The shipment recorded wide drop for 2 months in a row while the shipment usually is yearly high in October and November. The shipment is expected to decrease more in December. The shipment could decrease significantly from estimated 863,000 tonnes for fiscal 2008 ending March 2009, which the association announced in September.

The shipment decreased by 15-25% for construction and wholesaler, automobile and electric machinery in November from a year earlier. The demand for construction and wholesaler is usually peak in October-December but the demand decreased in 2008. The shipment decreased from October.

The shipment for automobile decreased in November from a year earlier after the shipment in October record the first drop in 14 months. The shipment for electric machinery decreased due to major drop for magnet wire of automobile.

The association recognizes many members reported the shipment in December is lower than November. The demand would decrease more without any sign to recover. The shipment could decrease more enough to short of the association’s outlook as of September. Especially, the shipment for automobile and electric machinery could decrease by more than 10% from previous year.