Aluminium Plate Price in Weak Tone, Nagoya

Aluminium plate market price keeps flat with potential decrease at around 670 yen per kilogram for 1-millimeter-thick small size plate and at around 650 yen per kg for 1mm-thick large size plate in Nagoya. The market price is expected to decline along primary aluminium ingot price. Domestic primary aluminium price is likely to lower widely for April-June. Primary aluminium settlement maintains weak at London Metal Exchange, which temporarily became below US$ 1,300 per tonne.

Dealers’ plate shipment kept stagnant in January despite of their expectation the shipment could recover. Plate users had minimized the procurement since the end of December with an expectation aluminium price would decrease in and after January. Plate demand keeps weak when primary aluminium price might continue to decline for April-June and the actual demand is significantly decreasing.

Plate demand has dropped down from automobiles and electric appliances since November 2008 while keeps the low level from constructions since 2007. The demand is unlikely to recover soon along the economic downturn.