Firm Sheet Steel Price in Tokyo

Sheet steel market price is firm at around 105,000-106,000 yen per tonne for hot rolled flat steel, at 108,000-110,000 for pickling steel and at 112,000-115,000 yen for cold rolled flat steel at dealers’ site around Tokyo. Dealers’ shipment keeps slow. The demand is seriously decreasing for building construction. Dealer source said the demand is ever lowest and it is unknown when the demand recover. The demand is decreasing for house electronics or machine tool according to the effect to slow building material demand. Some dealers is likely to fall in to the red when the inventory product price is increasing by price hike of Japanese integrated steel makers or rising import product price. Dealers and coil centers are hurrying price hike. However, some dealers are selling at cheaper price when sales volume is reducing. Dealers’ sales stance fails to reach an agreement.